このブログは私が45歳の時、南山中高等学校(男子部)で中学2年生の英語を担当していたときに発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の復刻版です。第1号(1988年)から1992年の第36号(1992年)まで発行しました。生徒は高3まで持ち上がりました。学年が進級するにつれ、英語の語彙と文法のレベルが上がっています。教えた文法の制限内で中身のある英語を書くのには苦労しましたが、案外おもしろかったことを覚えています。各通信のイラストはブログ用に後からつけたものです。2010年3月19日記す。67歳 (残念ながら第7号が紛失したらしく見当たりません。教え子の誰か、まだ保管していたら教えてください。)


[28] 木曽の最期(下) DEATH OF KISO (2)

南山高等学校 2年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 28 November 8, 1991


          DEATH OF KISO (2)

  “However famed a samurai may be, he will disgrace himself forever if he makes a blunder at his last moment. You are tired and have no more forces. If we are separated by the enemy, and if you fall off your horse while fighting with a retainer of a nobody and are killed, they will say, ‘A retainer of such-and-such a man killed Kiso, who was well known all over Japan.’ That will be a shame. Please run your horse to that grove.”
  Kiso said, “If you insist,” and ran his horse there. (ellipsis) It was at dusk on the 21st of January. Rice fields were covered with thin ice. Kiso ran his horse onto the ice not knowing there was a deep paddy under it. Immediately the whole body of his horse, even its head, sank under the mud. However hard he urged his horse with the stirrups and whip, it did not move at all. He anxiously turned toward Imai, when Ishida Jiro Tamehisa of Miura, who had caught up with him, bent his bow to the full and sent an arrow whizzing at him. It penetrated Kiso’s armor and seriously injured him. He lay his face down on the head of his horse. Just then two retainers of Ishida’s reached there, and at last cut off Kiso’s head. (ellipsis) Imai Shiro, who was fighting, heard this, (ellipsis) put the point of his sword in his mouth, jumped from his horse headlong, and died with the sword penetrating his neck.

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