このブログは私が45歳の時、南山中高等学校(男子部)で中学2年生の英語を担当していたときに発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の復刻版です。第1号(1988年)から1992年の第36号(1992年)まで発行しました。生徒は高3まで持ち上がりました。学年が進級するにつれ、英語の語彙と文法のレベルが上がっています。教えた文法の制限内で中身のある英語を書くのには苦労しましたが、案外おもしろかったことを覚えています。各通信のイラストはブログ用に後からつけたものです。2010年3月19日記す。67歳 (残念ながら第7号が紛失したらしく見当たりません。教え子の誰か、まだ保管していたら教えてください。)


[24] 猫岳の猫屋敷(2) A CATS' HOUSE IN NEKO-DAKE ( 2 )

南山高等学校 2年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 24 May 26, 1991



          A CATS' HOUSE IN NEKO-DAKE ( 2 )

  Soon he came across another woman, who said, “Why, aren’t you Mr. Yokota? What has brought you here? He said that he did not recognize her. “Don’t you remember me?” she continued. “Three years ago on a rainy day, you saved a drowning cat in a ditch. I am the cat. Now this is my turn to save you. This is a place for cats and not for human beings. Don’t take the bath. If you take it, cat’s hair will grow all over your body. You will turn into a cat. You must run away in a hurry.”
   Frightened, he rushed out of the house, and ran with all his might. He heard a woman’s voice behind: “The man has run away. Run after him. Throw the hot water on him!” Three women came running after him, each with a dipper in her hand and a pail in her arm. He ran desperately, stumbling and falling and rolling.
   At last she reached the town of Miyaji, and examined his body. To his surprise, some cat’s hair had already grown behind his ears and on his arms and legs.
   Later people began to call him Nekoda, meaning “You are a cat” instead of Yokota.

[23] 猫岳の猫屋敷(1) A CATS' HOUSE IN NEKO-DAKE ( 1 )

南山高等学校 1年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 23, May 25, 1991





  Next week you are going to visit Mt. Aso on a school excursion. It is the largest crater-within-crater volcano in the world. Within the outer crater stand five peaks: Eboshi-dake, Kishima-dake, Naka-dake, Taka-dake, and Neko-dake. The following is a folk story told of the easternmost peak, Neko-dake.
  Neko-dake, which literally means "root peak," used to mean 'cat peak,' because numerous cats lived there. This 'cat peak' looks horrifying because its top is wildly jagged as if scratched by a cat's craw.
  Long ago a traveller was walking along a mountain path to Namino. He dreaded Neko-dake, and tried not to come close to it. However, before he had noticed, he found himself walking at the foot of Neko-dake. It was getting dark, and a cold wind began to blow. He was at a loss whether to go or to return, when he saw a light in the distance. Relieved, he walked toward it, and soon came to a big house.
  "I am a traveller and lost my way. Please give me shelter for the night," he said at the gate. Then a woman appeared, and told him to enter the house. She said, "You must be tired. Please take a bath first." He thanked her for her kindness, and walked along the corridor to the bath room with a towel in his hand.


[22] イラクの富樫ノ左衛門(下) TOGASHI IN IRAQ (Part 2)

<南山高等学校 1年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 22 January 28, 1991



     TOGASHI IN IRAQU (Part 2)

    A similar thing is written in a Kabuki play Kanjincho.
   It was in the year 1186. Yoshitsune and his men were fleeing to Hiraizumi in Iwate-ken. They came to Ataka Barrier in Ishikawa-ken, which had been newly made to arrest him. At the barrier they were asked some difficult questions, but Benkei, one of the men, answered them skillfully. So they are allowed to pass through.
   However, when they were passing, one of the guards whispered to Togashi, head of the barrier. Hearing the whisper, Togashi shouted, "Hei, the servant there! Stop!" Surprised, Benkei asked Togashi why he had stopped him (actually Yoshitsune). Togashi replied, "Because one of my men says that he looks like Yoshitsune." Benkei got so angry with the servant that he beat him hard with a stick many times. Looking at them, Togashi allowed them to pass through. He had tears in his eyes.
   This is also a good story, isn't it? Togashi pretended not to know that the servant was Yoshitsune. It is usually bad to pretend not to see, but sometimes it moves us.
   By the way, what would you have done if you had been the factory chief?