このブログは私が45歳の時、南山中高等学校(男子部)で中学2年生の英語を担当していたときに発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の復刻版です。第1号(1988年)から1992年の第36号(1992年)まで発行しました。生徒は高3まで持ち上がりました。学年が進級するにつれ、英語の語彙と文法のレベルが上がっています。教えた文法の制限内で中身のある英語を書くのには苦労しましたが、案外おもしろかったことを覚えています。各通信のイラストはブログ用に後からつけたものです。2010年3月19日記す。67歳 (残念ながら第7号が紛失したらしく見当たりません。教え子の誰か、まだ保管していたら教えてください。)




南山高等学校 2年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 25 July 19, 1991




  You studied about the Battle of Agincourt during your world history lesson. Do you remember it? An English army of 3,000 men led by King Henry V defeated a French force of 20,000 knights at Agincourt in 1415. The French losses were 10,000, while the English losses were only 200. According to Shakespeare’s “Henry V,” this is how the king encouraged his men.
  “Some of you may want to have more men from England, but if we are to die, 3,000 of us are more than enough. If we are to live, the fewer we are, the greater is our share of honor. He who has no stomach for this fight, let him depart. We will not die with those who fear to die with us.
  “Today is the Feast of Crispian. He who survives today and goes home safely will be proud of himself when this day comes. He who survives today and lives to an old age will say to his friends every year, ‘Tomorrow is Crispian’s day,’ and he will show his scars and say, ‘I got these wounds on Crispian’s day.’ Old men often forget, but they will never forget what they did this day. They will tell this story to their sons. We are a happy few. Every year when Crispian’s day comes, we will be remembered.
  “He who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. However vile he may be, he shall be called a gentleman. The gentlemen lying in bed in England will be sorry that they are not here.”

The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
          --Shakespeare “Henry V”


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