このブログは私が45歳の時、南山中高等学校(男子部)で中学2年生の英語を担当していたときに発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の復刻版です。第1号(1988年)から1992年の第36号(1992年)まで発行しました。生徒は高3まで持ち上がりました。学年が進級するにつれ、英語の語彙と文法のレベルが上がっています。教えた文法の制限内で中身のある英語を書くのには苦労しましたが、案外おもしろかったことを覚えています。各通信のイラストはブログ用に後からつけたものです。2010年3月19日記す。67歳 (残念ながら第7号が紛失したらしく見当たりません。教え子の誰か、まだ保管していたら教えてください。)


[26] 木曽の最後(上) DEATH OF KISO (1)

      南山高等学校 2年 日英バイリンガル通信 NO. 26 October 18, 1991



          DEATH OF KISO (1)

  You studied “The Tale of Heike” during your classical Japanese lesson. Let’s review it here.

   When Kiso found himself alone with his retainer, Shiro Imai, he said, “Usually I am unaware of the weight of my armor, but today I feel it is heavy.”
  Imai said, “You are not tired yet. Nor is your horse. Why do you feel one suit of armor is heavy? It is because you have few forces on your side, and have lost your courage. Though I am only one warrior, imagine that you have 1,000 horsemen. I have seven or eight arrows. I can manage to defend you for a while. Look at the pine grove over there. That is Awazu no Matsubara. Please commit harakiri there.”
  Saying so, Imai gave his horse a cut, when another 50 horsemen or so appeared. Imai said to his master, “Please run your horse into the grove. I will stop this enemy.”
Kiso said, “I should have fought the last battle in Kyoto, but I have come here only because I wanted to die with you at the same place. Let’s die together rather than separately.
Just as Kiso was about to ride his horse abreast with Imai’s, Imai got off his horse, held his master’s, and said,
     (To be continued)

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